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Free Speech America

Patriotic Americans educating, organizing and activating!

Advocacy Groups

Get Involved


Turning Point USA

Promoting conservative values on campuses


Informed Choice Iowa

Empowering Iowans

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Thomas More Society

Restoring respect in law for life, family, and religious liberty


The American Conservative Union

Promoting liberty, personal responsibility, traditional values, and a strong national defense

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American Family Association

Informing, equipping, and activating individuals and families to transform American culture

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Freedom Watch

Protecting our rights to privacy, free speech, civil liberties, and freedom


Family Research Council

Advancing faith, family, and freedom in public policy and the culture from a biblical worldview

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The Conservative Caucus

Building support for Constitutional government

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Freedom Works

Building, educating, and mobilizing the largest network of activists advocating the principles of smaller government, lower taxes, free markets, personal liberty and the rule of law

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